Setting off from Kinghorn |
Me coming along Seafield |
Heading towards Seafield tower |
Searching for seals |
It seems ages since we had our annual Turkey basher trip, this time in the form of a sausage sizzle. Niall, Young Trevor, Hubby dear and myself set off in fairly blowey miserable conditions from Kinghorn harbour. With it being a real westerly wind, every time we came round a sticky out bit (technical term!) we'd be caught with the wind only to end up in flat calm water straight after. We fairly zoomed along, seeing Kirkcaldy from a more interesting view, if not a bit bumpy view.
Spot my Hubby! |
Makes Kirkcaldy look a bit better! |
It didn't take too long to reach Pathhead sands where we were having our sausage sizzle. As it was still a cold wind, we headed along the beach a bit to the Ravenscraig caves, just below Ravenscaig castle which provided ideal shelter for lunch.
Sausages and marshmallow - Mmmm! |
Ravenscraig caves |
I say it was a sausage sizzle, but as we decided the sparks from a bonfire could ruin our drysuits, we opted for a disposable barbecue instead. That was fun trying to get one of those between Christmas and new year, there doesn't seem to be much call for them here. I ended up finding one kicking around in our garage.
Hot Chocolate, hot sausages, massive toasted marshmallows all washed down with mulled wine went down rather well. The mulled wine did cause a problem at a wedding fair I attended the following weekend. Even though I had scrubbed out the flask, mulled wine flavoured coffee is nothing short of minging!
After our feast, followed by masses of chocolate raided from Young Trevor's Christmas tree we set off for the afternoon. There was quite a swell to get through where we were launching from. Trevor obviously hadn't heard of 7 big waves, then 7 wee ones. He waited until the biggest wave, launched, got swamped and ended up on the beach again, he blamed it on too much chocolate!
Grabbing a breather in Dysart harbour |
Further along, we had a breather in at Dysart harbour, then ended our paddle at West Wemyss.
I always enjoy our Turkey basher, after too much indulgence over the festive period, it's great to get a bit of fresh air and exercise, although on this particular trip, I think the over indulgence continued!