Grabbing a wee breather |
February is the time again for our wee jaunt up to Loch Rannoch. Once more the Kayakey Kid came with us.
Lunchtime |
On our first morning there, we decided to take the open canoes out on the loch. There had been masses of rain before we arrived, so the loch was really full with the wee crannog island even wee-er than before! As it was blowing a hooley, we planned on launching from just south of Bridge of Ericht and paddling up the bottom of the River Gaur, under the bridge and round the barracks. We got to the bottom of the river, but with the river flowing fast and the wind blowing hard, that was as far as we were going to get. We cut across the flow to have our picnic, before battling back and round past Rannoch Lodge with the Kayakey Kid now turned into a pirate announcing to everyone in the surrounding area that "Oh aaargh! Land Ahoy" sending dogs for miles around into a barking frenzy! Once back at the car, whilst getting the straps on the roof, a huge gust managed to catch Hubby dear's canoe while it sat on the beach, flipping it a couple of times. The Kayakey Kid started to give chase! Thankfully we didn't need to tether him to the boat to weigh it down, he's only 5!
No pot of gold was found in the boat |
That afternoon it was up into the hills to meet up with Mac who was looking after an estate that week, just in time for Deer feeding.
Our next day was filled with a train journey up to Fort William. At all the stops the Kayakey Kid would ask if this was Fort William, so when we did arrive, I asked him what the sign said - Morrisons! was his answer. Anyone who has arrived at Fort William station will know the supermarket is right next door.
Obviously my Grandson, it's never too cold for ice cream! |
Our wee selection of Whiskys to return us to normal after the Kayakey Kid leaves! |
After we delivered the Kayakey Kid back to Number 2 son in Pitlochry peace returned at last!
Dunalistair launch |
Paddle hard, might make it to the top of Schiehallion |
Catching the river inlet flow |
Our other paddle this trip was on Dunalistair Water. Considerably wider than usual due to the amount of rain and snow melt. We were quite sheltered where we were which possibly made it seem even more peaceful - or was it the lack of pirates?
Falls of Bruar looking good |